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Главная страница / Продукты / КриптоПлагин - универсальное средство ЭП для браузеров / «Crypto-Web» application. Examples of use

Русская версия

«Crypto-Web» application. Examples of use

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Cross-platform Crypto-Plugin supporting Russian cryptography for web browsers. This plugin can be run under a variety of operating systems (MS Windows, Linux, OS X), and it also can be used in different browsers - Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, Google Chrome, Seamonkey.

As a cryptographic services provider (CSP) can be used software (eg, LCCryptoki) and hardware tokens (eg, eToken GOST, Rutoken ECP, «MS_KEY K»), with support PKCS#11 interface. more...

«Crypto-Web» application supports GOST R 34.10-2001 and GOST R 34.10-2012 public key certificates with 512 and 1024 bit public key.

0. Informtaion

I. Working with the certificate store

II. Working with Certificates

III. Working with Files

IV. Working with strings

V. Create certificate signing request (CSR)

VI. Interaction with web servers

VII. Interaction with the test CA

VIII.Encryption and email signature (SMIME)

Метки: Crypto-Web, LCSignPlugin, LCSignPluginCSP, MS CSP, NSS, plugin, web service.
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